The Urgency of Reinvention in Middle Age

Posted by Kim Hughes
On January 6, 2024

As I sit squarely in the middle of life and face my own mortality, I am unable to ignore the urgent whisper propelling me to find more meaning and passion in my work and career.

We’ve all seen the inspirational memes encouraging us to start something new… “you’re never too old” or ““your life doesn’t end at 40, 50, 60!”  As we head into a new year, we expect to be bombarded with advice on how to reinvent ourselves by well-meaning life coaches and gurus. “New year, new you” messaging creates time bound urgency to get started now.

As I sit squarely in the middle of life and face my own mortality, I am unable to ignore the urgent whisper propelling me to find more meaning and passion in my work and career. The gift of urgency is undeniable. It fuels action, discourages complacency, and can get you out of bed with a purpose, but it can also morph into a restless impatience. 

If you succumb to the urgency of finding your passion and jumping headfirst into reinventing yourself can lead to hasty decisions and burnout. Impatience makes us skip crucial steps, dismiss valuable lessons, and lose sight of the joy in the journey. There have been hundreds of times in my life that had became obsessed with the destination, forgetting the beauty of the current path I was on.

So, how do we navigate midlife reinvention?

Is it passion with urgency, or just impatience in your current situation? The key lies in action versus impatience. Action is fueled by a clear-eyed passion, a fire that illuminates the path and guides your steps. Impatience, is impulsive, a frantic scramble fueled by the fear of missing out or being stuck where you are.

As I have searched for more passion and meaning in my life, these guiding principles have helped me to harness the gift of urgency while guarding against impatience:

  • Embrace exploration: Don’t rush to label your passion. The journey itself is filled with valuable discoveries.
  • Celebrate small wins: Each step forward, however small, is a victory. Take the time to acknowledge and savor your progress.
  • Befriend failure: It’s not a detour, but a stepping stone. Learn from each misstep and refine your approach.
  • Practice patience: Allow yourself time to grow, to evolve, and to let your passion mature.
  • Focus on the process: The joy is not just in the end goal, but in the act of creation, the dedication, and the learning.
  • Remember, the fire within you doesn’t need to be a raging inferno. Let it be a steady flame, guiding you with warmth and clarity. 

So, while you might not be too old for reinvention, choose action over impatience, and enjoy the journey, one mindful step at a time.

Kim Hughes

Kim Hughes is a growth coach who empowers womxn to become the very best version of themselves through a journey of self-discovery. She taps into the power of travel (around the corner or around the world) to create a path for abundance and happiness. Most importantly, Kim believes that everyone is worthy… equality is not radical, it is a basic human right.

Kim on the Fly
Kim Hughes

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